Lagos Commissioner Ogunlende Leads Delegation to Madrid to Enhance Social Welfare Services

The Lagos State Ministry of Youth and Social Development, under the leadership of Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, is taking proactive steps to advance youth engagement and social welfare services. The ministry’s efforts span beyond youth programs to include comprehensive social welfare services such as rehabilitation, adoption, and corrections, all aimed at supporting vulnerable individuals and providing homes for abandoned children.

In a significant move to strengthen these services, Commissioner Seun Ogunlende led a delegation to the Social Welfare Agency in Madrid, Spain, in collaboration with LIFE FOUNDATION. This visit is part of the ministry’s initiative to revitalize existing partnerships and enhance the social welfare system to align with international standards.

The delegation included Director of Social Welfare Mrs. Jaiyeola, Deputy Director of Adoption and Fostering Adetutu Ipaye, Chief Magistrate Mrs. Gbenga-Olusanya Miriam, and Assistant Social Welfare Officer Adebiyi Ganiat. The team is confident that their engagement in Madrid will foster international collaboration and open new opportunities in social welfare.

During the visit, the delegation met with key officials at the Social Welfare Agency to discuss strategies and best practices for improving social welfare services. The discussions focused on rehabilitation for vulnerable individuals, streamlining adoption processes, and enhancing correctional programs. The goal is to adopt innovative approaches that have been successful in Spain and implement them in Lagos to improve the lives of those they serve.

The partnership with LIFE FOUNDATION has been crucial in facilitating this visit. The foundation’s expertise and international network have provided essential support for upgrading the social welfare systems in Lagos. Their commitment to social causes aligns perfectly with the ministry’s goals, making this collaboration a significant step forward.

Additionally, the visit explored opportunities for training and capacity-building for Lagos’ social welfare officers. By learning from their Spanish counterparts, these officers can enhance their skills and knowledge, leading to better service delivery. The exchange of ideas and experiences is expected to result in a more robust and effective social welfare system.

This visit to Madrid signifies Lagos State’s commitment to continuous improvement and international cooperation. By embracing global standards and practices, the ministry aims to create a more supportive and nurturing environment for abandoned children and vulnerable individuals. This initiative marks a significant milestone in the journey towards excellence in social welfare services.

The ministry looks forward to the positive impact this collaboration will bring and the strengthened ties between Lagos State and the Social Welfare Agency in Madrid.

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